Thursday, May 19, 2011

McFlurry International - China 3

French brûlée McFLurry in Shanghai, China French brûlée McFLurry in Shanghai, China

Màidāngláo (麦当劳) has a new 10RMB McFlurry (麦旋风, mài xuànfēng) in time for spring. 法式布蕾 (fǎ shì bù lěi) translates to "French brûlée." Behind the image of the actual McFlurry is one of a caramel custard or flan. Note that crème brûlée is commonly served in the ramekin the custard is cooked in before sugar is added on top and broiled to form a crunchy, caramelized topping. The actual "French brûlée" McFlurry is vanilla soft-serve with Oreo cookie and butterscotch. The actual flavor combination would have done better with caramel instead of butterscotch to achieve the taste of browned sugar. Though, the texture of the crisp topping is hinted at by the bites you take into the cookie while tasting the butterscotch. Creamy frozen yogurt carries the smoothness of a custard.

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